i hope you enjoyed that video that i took of my family as we were looking for our christmas tree :)
i've officially been home for christmas break since saturday, and it has been such a relaxing week hanging out with my family and puppy dogs. its going to get even better today because kenny kenny byrd yall is flying into birmingham to hang out wit da dorr fam and get ready for his and mary margaret's wedding in EIGHT days!!! its crazy to think it is almost a week away, i remember when we were counting down in the 100's and now it is eightttt days away. i can't wait! mary margaret has her last dress fitting today, and we have a couple of small things to do before the rehearsal dinner but besides that, we are pretty much done planning and getting everything together. mary margaret and kenny are so excited, and i am so happy for them! as you can see in the christmas tree video, kenny fits in so perfectly with our family, jesus could not have picked anyone more perfect for mary margaret. i probably wont have much time to post this next week getting all of this last minute stuff done, but i will be putting up some of my pictures from the wedding :) talk to you guys in a week!CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN: SIXTEEN DAYS!