Monday, April 25, 2011

the day after easter blog

Mumsie loves her Easter decorations.

Juju my booboo

Missing Mary Margaret, as usual.

puppy love

Hello friends!
  I hope all of you had an incredible Easter hanging out with your family and eating lots and lots of good food. Easter at the Dorr household was great. Our family came into town on Saturday so we went to church at Highlands on Saturday night. WHAT a service. To say that PC  brought da fire would be an understatement. I wanted to blog about something today that I think everyone needs to hear. The sermon this weekend was all about the story of Lazarus. One of Jesus' friends, who DIED - but Jesus brought him back to life. PC kept relating the story of Lazarus back to us, and how no matter how far away from God you are or how "over" you think something is, its NOT OVER. I mean Lazarus was DEAD. No pulse, no breathing, nothing. Jesus brought him back to life. I would personally say that death is pretty much final. But not for our Lord Jesus. 

Nothing is final with Him.

Over the weekend, my family was trying to decide what movie we wanted to watch on our Netflix-thingy. We were scrolling through them when I see a movie that I was OBSESSED with as a child,  "The Little Princess." My little sister Juju didn't even REMEMBER it, so I thought I would do it justice today and watch it before my night class. This movie is about this little girl who is sent to a boarding school while her dad goes to war. She has all the luxuries of life - clothes, food, an education, and friends. But then a message comes from overseas and she finds out that her dad had passed away in battle.  The woman in charge of the school (she is so mean - think like the gross head master woman in Matilda) tells her that since no one is paying for her tuition, she is going to make her a servant girl and is stripped of all of her possessions to pay for her tuition that her dad was never able to pay. She is devastated, and for a while, she gives up hope. While she is hard at work at the school, the movie kind of turns and there is this older man looking for his son who enlisted in the war and had gone missing. He gets called in to a hospital saying that they had found his son, but he had lost his memory from an explosion. The man goes to the hospital, but to his dismay, it is actually not his son.  He decides anyway to take this poor man into his home (which is right next door to the boarding school), and nurse him back to health himself. The man cannot remember anything- not who he is, or who his family is, or what he is doing on the earth. I don't want to give you all of the details of the movie, but the plot line keeps turning and at the end the little girl ends up at the older man's house and sees the soldier and recognizes him and helps him remember that he is actually her daddy. I cried for about 30 minutes. It is SUCH a good movie.  And now I am sitting in class and I was just so amazed by what the Lord did through this movie that I had to blog about it. This movie is just like the story of Lazarus! The characters in both stories thought that their beloved family member was dead - but at the end of the story - BOOOM! They are ALIVE!

Are you seeing any similarities here between The Little Princess, Lazarus, and the story of EASTER?! It's just crazy to me. Although I loved Pastor Chris' message, I had forgotten about it this morning. But of course Jesus shows up and knocks me off my feet. The message is so true. Sarah, the little princess in the story, had been through EVERYTHING and her life was the opposite of perfect. But her dad came back and took her exactly how she was. This is just like Jesus! No matter how badly you mess up, no matter how "finished" you think a situation is, Jesus has his ultimate plan for your life and He knows exactly what He wants to happen. He's got the whole world in His Hands! 

This has just been on my heart today, hope you were encouraged by it!

He is alive and SO real today!

-Kitty Kat Meow

Monday, April 4, 2011

april showerzzz

hello friends! it's a great day to be alive. 

Now that i've gone to our spring formal, registered for my fall classes, and contacted some awesome people about working for them this summer, i am finally starting to realize that my freshman year of college is almost OVER. that is so weird to think about. sometimes i still feel like i just got my bid to agd yesterday. well maybe more like two weeks ago. but still. fastest year of my whole life.

Its offish.

And now I'm offish!

Pledge Retreat at the beach with 85 new best friends!

Big Sis Ceremony. Love me some Haley Wilson!

Penn State game with my next door neighbor Hilary :)

Ali came to visit me from Auburn!

We do love it very much.

Pomping for 42 hours during Homecoming Week, check.

Reuniting with my best friend since kindergarten :)

Touching Greg's offiical locker, one of the best days of my life.. obviously i mean look at my face  
lots of bridal showers and such for my sweet seester
fall break in huntsville with the bestie :)

Feast of Roses initiation dinner with my supportive brothers!

Dressing up like the wizards we truly are for the midnight premiere of the seventh Harry Potter movie!

Mary Margaret's Bachelorette weekend!

Unfortunate Iron Bowl with the family!

Christmas Cocktail winter formal with my sisters!

Mary Margaret and Kenny's rehearsal dinner

And then she got married :)

Drinking sparkling grape juice on new years eve with the besties

Birthday dinner with (shocking) my awesome pledge sisters and best friends!

My very first swap! Sigma Nu rave with the bestiesss.

JH Staff Reunion with my best friendddd

Valentines Day date with Justin Bieber and my awesome friends!

Da fam over Spring Break

my awesome overboard spring formal date danny

this is going to be a somewhat cheesy and sentimental blog.
mmkay now that i've warned you, i can continue with my ranting. i could say a lot to several different people, but i'll keep it short cause i know you just wasted two minutes of your life looking at all of those pictures. when it comes down to it, having friends you can count on at the end of the day is really all that matters. most people want good grades, or to be really involved on campus, or be the star of their intramural sports team, but all i really wanted out of my freshman year was a group of people that i could call my best friends and be comfortable enough to show them the real me. well needless to say i have definitely found them and i have never been so happy. so to try to wrap this thing up i would just like to say thank you. im not going to say any names because you know who you are if you are reading this. to the girl who watched a movie and ate junk food with me when my boyfriend broke up with me, to the girl who stays up until 4 AM with me at your apartment slithering on the ground acting like snakes, to the girl who will sit in the car with me and talk about useless hash tags on twitter that are not funny to anyone but us, to the girls who helped me win my first photography contest, to the girls who went to the movies with me and my cardboard justin bieber when we didn't have dates on valentines day, to the girls who go with me to go get ice cream twenty miles out of tuscaloosa just because its the best, and to the girls who are constantly checking in on me and seeing how i am doing here: all i can say is thank you. there are no words to describe how blessed i feel to have you all in my life. i love you all very much. I can't believe i just said you all. my pledge sister from kentucky is really rubbing off on me.

told you this would be heart felt. but i did give you a disclaimer.  

that's all.  
