Thursday, December 9, 2010

2,000 views yeauh

i hope you enjoyed that video that i took of my family as we were looking for our christmas tree :)
i've officially been home for christmas break since saturday, and it has been such a relaxing week hanging out with my family and puppy dogs. its going to get even better today because kenny kenny byrd yall is flying into birmingham to hang out wit da dorr fam and get ready for his and mary margaret's wedding in EIGHT days!!! its crazy to think it is almost a week away, i remember when we were  counting down in the 100's and now it is eightttt days away. i can't wait! mary margaret has her last dress fitting today, and we have a couple of small things to do before the rehearsal dinner but besides that, we are pretty much done planning and getting everything together. mary margaret and kenny are so excited, and  i am so happy for them! as you can see in the christmas tree video, kenny fits in so perfectly with our family, jesus could not have picked anyone more perfect for mary margaret. i probably wont have much time to post this next week getting all of this last minute stuff done, but i will be putting up some of my pictures from the wedding :) talk to you guys in a week! 

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

why are you trying so hard to fit in when you were born to stand out?

even though the title of my blog post was said by a british guy in what a girl wants, a movie from 2003, it is still one of my favorites. last week during alpha gam's freshman bible study we were talking about how hard it is to fit in and the reasons why you would want to fit in. going into college, all i wanted to do was make friends. and to make friends, you've got to do the stuff they are doing, wear the clothes they wear, listen to the music they listen to, say what they say, and so on. in our bible study we were talking about WHY we do this to ourselves. jesus  is not only our creator, father, and savior, he also wants us to be so close to him that we consider him our best friends. can you even imagine your life if you didn't care what people thought about you because you knew you ALWAYS had the perfect love of jesus? seriously his love is perfect. he is the only thing in the world that is perfect. why would you not invest your time into him every day? he will NEVER let you down. and he obviously created you, so he thinks his creation is great too. you will never have to "win him over" or impress him because he already loves you so much. we have GOT to stop wasting our time trying to win the approval of others, cause at the end of the day, the only person who's opinion matters is the one of jesus. he created us to be salt and light to the world, and i don't know about yall, but that to me means STANDING out and being SET apart. i think that the last thing he would want is his children not being able to be picked out of a group because we blended too well.

just something to think about today.

jesus loves you so much and wants to be your very best friend.

Thursday, November 4, 2010







Tuesday, November 2, 2010

so blessed by your faithfulness

so. i went to huntsville (aka h-town, huntsvegas) with margaret anne pate and matthew brightbill for fall break. it was such a relaxing and much-needed break from stress and school. i cant even tell you how much god has blessed me by placing these two people in my life. have you ever gotten back from doing something and you are sitting in your bed later or maybe in the shower and you think to yourself about how awesome the people are that the lord puts into your life? happens to me literally every single night. 

i know this phrase is so overused and a tad cheesy, but for me its entirely true. i do not know what i would have done without them in my first semester here at alabama. so much changed in my life over one summer. after working at the ranch and getting back home i was no longer a young girl in high school, i was an adult entering college. its still really weird to think about really, picturing myself as an adult. but it still completely amazes me just to think about how god really does have my entire world in his hands. 

the lord knew that i needed to meet these two people at the ranch this summer to succeed in college. so he put it on all of our hearts to first of all work at the ranch. and then we were all accepted, put in positions at the ranch that were near each other, and margaret anne lived in the same trailer that i did for two months. there is absolutely no way that it was just coincidence that i am friends with these two people. in not saying that matthew and i are getting married, but these two special people are literally and most definitely my soul mates. 

i can't even imagine tomorrow without having them by my side. 

these two people are so real, so life-giving and just so perfect for me, i know we will be friends for the rest of our lives. and just to think that our little triangle of awesomeness is centered around mr. love, jesus christ himself! it just blows my mind to think of how perfectly god makes things work in your everyday life. true story: my whole senior year i was begging jesus to bring just a few godly friend into my life. i had friends at vestavia, but i was just so worried about going to college and not knowing anyone. not only did jesus give me friends, he gave my very best friends that i am kinda sorta totally obsessed with.


if you want something from the lord, ask him and he will bless you way beyond what you asked for.

Ecclesiastes 4:12 "A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken."

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

love. plain and simple.

today i was walking out of my computer lab when i saw a girl dressed in all black. my first thoughts were, "she is emo-tastic." but then i got closer to her and was able to read her shirt and it literally blew my mind. this shirt had no fancy labels or tags on it, no funny pictures or quotations on it, all the shirt had on it were four simple letters. 
this shirt literally had me thinking the whole way back home. usually when you think about the word love, you think about skipping on the beach with your awesome boyfriend in july as the wind blows through your hair and the sand sinks beneath your toes. but this shirt was black with white letters. it wasn't pink and red with hearts all over it. it was just black. i think that this shirt is challenging all of us to get out of our comfort zones and stereotypical love bubbles and really LOVE PEOPLE! can you even imagine how much it would increase the quality of our lives if we automatically loved everyone that we met instead of judging, stereotyping, or accepting the past rumors about a person? not only would they appreciate it, your life would also change for the better. everyone is always looking for something they can do to 
change the world
the random girl who was wearing this extraordinary shirt has finally found the way. love the lord. love people. love the girl in your class who doesn't talk to anyone. love the boy on your hall that stays in his room all the time. love your competitors, no matter what team they pull for. love that one person who you think you hate. love the person who cuts you off on the road and makes you run late. love the person who accidentally steps on your foot in the elevator. love your atheist teacher who attacks your religion. love the people you work with. love your family. love your friends. love all of your enemies. and then love yourself.

of course my jesus already knew all of this...
1 corinthians 13:13 new living translation: "three things will last forever - faith, hope, and love - and the greatest of these is love."

now everybody get out there and LOVE SOMEBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

another special dedication





Monday, October 25, 2010

a special dedication

i would like to dedicate this blog post to lizzie ernstberger.

 ten reasons why i love this sister of mine:
1) she has a fantastic grease bang that anyone would kill for
2) she loves wendy's... or is it chickfila?
3) she does not know how to blow dry her hair
4) she only wears neutral tones
5) she made a 104 on a test that i helped her study for.... you're welcome
6) she is a fantastic pomper... me not so much
7) she is from mountain brook (you can call her brookie if you would like)
8) her hair stylist's name is kevin
9) her phone is reeeeaaaallllyy nice.
10) she stole her boyfriend's ray bans (her boyfriend is 23)

bama homecoming 2010

what a fabulous weekend

i went home to bir-men-ham this weekend. much needed vacation from tuscaloosa. friday night i went to vestavia's homecoming game which was so fabulous because i saw emily frazier, katherine thomas, anddd kenzie derr, all of whom i have not seen since i left for college in august- it was great getting to reconnect with them. kenzie derr is SUCH a big deal. she got to crown the homecoming queen this year because of course she won the huge title last year. francie harris, my down the street neighbor, won it this year. she is so adorable and i am so glad she won!! dang i am doing so many shout outs in this post.

anyway, after the game i went to take pictures of my little sister juju and her date before the big bad homecoming dance, ill add a picture so you can see how pretty she looked.

saturday was filled with lots of football. auburn is still undefeated, mizzz. im sure you have already heard that they are ranked number one now. in the words of my brother luke, "did cam newton steal the bcs computers too?" i wholeheartedly agree. well not really. cam newton is really cute. a cute convict. hahaha whatever. im happy for auburn, they deserve a little time in the limelight. it must be hard to lurk in the shadows of alabama all the time. i was blessed to watch the alabama vs. tennessee game with my family, friends, and da boyfrand, so even though auburn is still undefeated it was a good night.

and now for the reason for this post.
after the alabama game i accompanied my handsome beau to paranormal activity 2. as i was walking in i looked like i was walking to my death. now i am asking myself why in the H E DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS did i do this. i closed my eyes just about the entire movie and when i opened my eyes, it was over and everybody was dead/abducted by a demon possessed woman. matthew loves scary movies.  i hate scary movies. i cried in disturbia. literallly. tears. lots of them. i just dont like to be scared. i would much rather laugh than to sit there and plug my eyes and ears in hopes of not hearing the movie. i am so scarred now that i think everything is possessed by a demon. if i hear the smallest noise i jump and shriek very loudly. i cant even imagine how scared i would be if i actually watched the movie in its entirety. just talking about it right now gives me the heebie jeebies. so if you are wondering if you should go see this "thriller" i would give two pieces of advice: 1) pee before you go into the movie and 2) bring earplugs. that is all.

my frands and the homecoming queen, dang she is so gorgeous
God Bless and Roll Tide.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

blog number tres

today has been such a fantastic day. i got twelve hours of sleep last night, which hasn't happened ever since ive been in college.. so pat on the back for kitty kat. that rhymed. anyways, went to my 11 o clock class where my teacher cant pronounce any of the words in our book correctly.. drove me crazy. and then i was done with class for the day. trust me i know, my schedule today was SO hectic.

today is two of my pledge sister's birthdays, chanley bell and abbey crain. happy birthday to you two!!! they are both super legit. i just happened to run into chanley on the quad today and might or might not have have screamed from really far away, "OH MY GOSH IS THAT CHANLEY BELL?!" so everyone on the quad was looking at her at that point.. so i took advantage of the situation and yelled, "HEY EVERYBODY!!! TODAY IS CHANLEY'S BIRTHDAY!!!" i would have started singing but i didnt want to make her cry on her birthday. seriously though.

in other news, i have found a new youtube video to obsess over and tell everyone about. good thing i have a blog now. ye ye ye. the video is by will smith's daughter, willow smith. yes that really is her name, hilar. the video is called "whip my hair" and you will not be disappointed. that little girl can DANCE. like woah. i want to whip my hair like her. real bad.
i also got a care package today from me mummy! so exciting to carry around a package all over campus knowing that your momma loves you enough to send you a box full of candy. she knows me so very well.

i ate dinner tonight at bento with the boyfrand and daniel byars. it was my first time there - sooo good. like 13nationalchampionships good. or maybe justinbieberssongs good. orrrrr maybe alphagammadelta good. either way, it was fantastic. i am now going to stop blabbering and finish studying for a test i have tomorrow, and then it is time to head home for the weekend with my super adorable boyfriend. cannot freakingggg wait.

i whip my hair back and forth!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

life just got SO much better

found this on - they are so fabulous
oh my goodness.
you know when you have one of those days when something HUGE happens and years later you can still remember where you were, who you were with and what clothes you were wearing when it happened?


now you are probably asking yourself, "whats the big news kitty kat?"

i haven't been this excited since kenny proposed to mary margaret. literally. i haven't been able to focus on anything ALL DAY and i even took my ADHD medicine this morning which makes me focus. so this must mean that im really excited.

you know what? i was just thinking about this and in nine months i will be working at the ranch. why is this important? i will have NO PHONE, NO COMPUTER, NO TWITTER, AND NO TV TO TELL ME WHEN IT HAPPENS. this could be a problem. no, actually this IS a problem. could someone please write me a letter maybe and let me know when she has her baby? that would be greatly appreciated.

i wonder if i could write her a letter asking to be the child's godmother? im really responsible and i would love that baby like it was my own. i think i will go start drafting that letter now.

sooo much to do with my future god-baby on the way and so little time.

peace and blessings yall

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

oh my goodness i have a blog-izzle

my incredible family plus margaret anne on bid day!
why hello there! my name is kitty. roll tide. i have finally decided to make a blog. one of my friends has one, she is really cool. her name is francie duckworth, you might know her, she is a national champion in cheer leading. oh did i mention she is my sister? you're probably thinking to yourself uhhh... dorr? duckworth? that makes no sense? frannie is my sorority sister. BOOM. so if you were wondering, the answer is yes. i am one of those incredibly annoying sorority girls who wears over sized tshirts, nike tempo shorts, ray bans, and lives and breathes in alpha gam gear. i am blessed to have pledged the university of alabama's most outstanding sorority this fall (yes they did actually win that award, i'm not just calling it that) and i'm freaking obsessed with it. i have 81 sisters that i am pledging with whom i LOVE.

BDR and jojo
i have the most amazing family that anyone could ask for. my parents are so supportive and i have missed both of them so much now that im in college. joanne is the best mom you will ever meet. she met my dad in law school at the university of alabama, she has her law degree and worked for a public defender for ten years, but now she does not practice.. she has a little going on with us kids, (three being in college) selling Etc. clothes, taking care of 5 dogs, and planning a wedding in december. MY MOM WAS MISS ALABAMA IN 1981. she hates it when i tell people that but my bloggers need to know the truth. rusty is an attorney at maynard cooper and gale law-firm in birmingham and loves it there, he is founder of the church of the highlands parking team that he selflessly serves every week with a smile on his face, he knows how to mow a lawn and how to sew together my bedding for college that i ripped on the first day of buying it.. pretty much an all-around baller person to have for a dad. moms and pops (that we have nicknamed joan/joanie and BDR - short for big daddy rus) just celebrated their 25th anniversary this past june and are the best parents a girl could ask for. They like each other a lot, so here i am with four other siblings.

Mary Margaret and me on Labor Day
  • Mary Margaret: oldest, age 22, beautiful, twin to luke (look below), graduated in may from auburn university with a major in english, has a gorgeous long haired weenie dog named nelly, engaged to her soul mate and honor guardsman kenny byrd, they are getting married in december and moving to virginia where kenny is stationed. (the thought of her moving absolutely makes me want to vomit, so we are not going to think about that now and move on)
  • Luke: age 22, twin to mary margaret (see above), senior at the university of alabama, majoring in human development, member of every honor society on campus and his teachers love him so much that they would probably save his old tissue from the trash can and sell it on ebay, graduating in may, most determined and hard working person you will ever meet, works as a barista at starbucks and makes lots of fattening drinks, doing an internship right now with church of the highlands, has a chocolate lab named macy who is his one true love, my girlfriends ask me for his number on a regular basis, and he loves alabama football.
  • Jake: age 20, very athletic, devilishly handsome, junior at the university of alabama, majoring in criminal justice, lives in a mansion off of campus with luke (see above), also owns a chocolate lab named shasta whom he loves dearly despite his love for eating jake's blackberry, dating bea (pronounced bee, like a honey bee, bzzz) smith, who is the cutest 5'1"mississippi-an you will ever meet, he is also doing an internship with luke at church of the highlands, loves to work out with his brother, eats a lot, and is the biggest alabama fan you will ever meet. 
  • Kitty: this is where i come in... not the middle child and not the baby, its a pretty awkward spot but someones gotta do it.
  • Julia: age 5 oh wait, i mean 12, oh dang maybe 14? just kidding juju :) age 15 - will be 16 next month, only kid at home now, does a lot of chores and errands with mama jo, sophomore at vestavia hills high school, SGA representative, member of the most elite dance team at her dance studio, active and dedicated member of the switch high school youth group at church of the highlands in birmingham, has her first homecoming dance this coming friday with the most adorable date, has a white lab named honey who she would jump in front of a train for, will most likely get a brand new 2011 red ferrari for her 16th birthday, loves the beach, yogurt mountain, and hanging out with her cute high school friends on the weekend. 
i live in a really disgusting all-girl dorm that is not my favorite, but its really close to my classes and the alphgam house which is super nice. I did potluck for my roommate and it turned out SO well; I live with a BALLER from louisiana. her name is taylor, she is a boss. she loves to exercise and runs up the 14 flights of stairs for fun. no seriously she does :) while she is doing that i like to sit here and text my boyfriend. and that gets me to my next point. matthew brightbill. just typing his name makes me happy. i worked with him this summer at the BEST place in the WHOLE WORLD,  JH ranch. matthew was on maintenance, I was on housekeeping... he took out the trash while I cleaned toilets. it was love at first sight. HA. totally kidding. i was literally obsessed with him the whole time we were there, he didn't like me at all. we worked there for two months, it was the best two months of my whole life.  and nowww here comes my shameless plug for jh ranch - IT'S BEAUTIFUL, FREE FROM DISTRACTIONS, AND YOU WILL MEET FRIENDS THAT YOU WILL KEEP FOR YOUR ENTIRE LIFEYOU WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AFTER YOU GO.
sorry, had to get that out of my system. back to my fantastic boyfriend. we got home in mid-july and hung out a lot once we got home. (why yes we both happened to live in birmingham, happened to work at the ranch, and happened to go to the university of alabama) nah, not really, it was NOT a coincidence. it was most definitely a god thing. i've never been so proud to call anything mine. seriously he hits every single thing on a girl's checklist: he is a servant of jesus christ, he is the nicest person you will ever meet, he literally never stops smiling, he is the most handsome thing you will ever lay your eyes on, he is such a gentleman, he is SO SMART (no seriously.. he's pre-med), and his family is fantastic. ive never been happier in my whole life.

school has been going great, i love my classes and i love walking around on the quad on these lovely fall days. my bestest friend here at the university of alabama is margaret anne pate. she is the star to my burst, the reeses to my cup, the buttons to my cardigan, the spoon to my tcby, and the zipper to my patagonia jacket. she is the cutest thing in the world. she loves to cook and clean and make little color-coded charts for herself. she loves baseball, especially the cardinals, wearing bows in her hair, looking up new recipes, her momma, and alabama football. i mean, who doesn't..? she also worked with me at the ranch this summer. she was an office girl and i vacuumed her office everyday, it was just magical. we are working out there again together next summer and we are so excited!!!

im gonna stop typing now and go get some study hall hours for this week. gotta make alphgam happy! :)

goodbye until next time!

Luke, myself, Julia, and Jake at Rosemary Beach this summer

dis is my boo matthew