Monday, October 25, 2010

what a fabulous weekend

i went home to bir-men-ham this weekend. much needed vacation from tuscaloosa. friday night i went to vestavia's homecoming game which was so fabulous because i saw emily frazier, katherine thomas, anddd kenzie derr, all of whom i have not seen since i left for college in august- it was great getting to reconnect with them. kenzie derr is SUCH a big deal. she got to crown the homecoming queen this year because of course she won the huge title last year. francie harris, my down the street neighbor, won it this year. she is so adorable and i am so glad she won!! dang i am doing so many shout outs in this post.

anyway, after the game i went to take pictures of my little sister juju and her date before the big bad homecoming dance, ill add a picture so you can see how pretty she looked.

saturday was filled with lots of football. auburn is still undefeated, mizzz. im sure you have already heard that they are ranked number one now. in the words of my brother luke, "did cam newton steal the bcs computers too?" i wholeheartedly agree. well not really. cam newton is really cute. a cute convict. hahaha whatever. im happy for auburn, they deserve a little time in the limelight. it must be hard to lurk in the shadows of alabama all the time. i was blessed to watch the alabama vs. tennessee game with my family, friends, and da boyfrand, so even though auburn is still undefeated it was a good night.

and now for the reason for this post.
after the alabama game i accompanied my handsome beau to paranormal activity 2. as i was walking in i looked like i was walking to my death. now i am asking myself why in the H E DOUBLE HOCKEY STICKS did i do this. i closed my eyes just about the entire movie and when i opened my eyes, it was over and everybody was dead/abducted by a demon possessed woman. matthew loves scary movies.  i hate scary movies. i cried in disturbia. literallly. tears. lots of them. i just dont like to be scared. i would much rather laugh than to sit there and plug my eyes and ears in hopes of not hearing the movie. i am so scarred now that i think everything is possessed by a demon. if i hear the smallest noise i jump and shriek very loudly. i cant even imagine how scared i would be if i actually watched the movie in its entirety. just talking about it right now gives me the heebie jeebies. so if you are wondering if you should go see this "thriller" i would give two pieces of advice: 1) pee before you go into the movie and 2) bring earplugs. that is all.

my frands and the homecoming queen, dang she is so gorgeous
God Bless and Roll Tide.

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